Hi Stefano

(+treasurer, +SPI and +Debian France (both are probably likely to be used for some bursaries reimbursements), and +debconf-committee for posterity)

On 2021/07/28 23:46, Stefano Rivera wrote:
Here is our DebConf21 budget proposal:

$ ./wrapper -f budget.ledger bal
USD 31,700.00 assets:debian-france
USD 18,300.00 expenses
USD 5,000.00 bursaries:expense
USD 13,100.00 swag
USD 600.00 pin
USD 8,000.00 shipping
USD 4,500.00 t-shirt
USD 100.00 video
USD 100.00 voip
USD -50,000.00 income
USD -5,000.00 registration
USD -45,000.00 sponsors
USD -3,000.00 bronze
USD -8,000.00 gold
USD -20,000.00 platinum
USD -12,000.00 silver
USD -2,000.00 supporter

Expenses are positive, income is negative. Expected profit is $30k

This hasn't changed much since the first draft in April, but we're far more confident in the t-shirt numbers, now. They are modelled on a mixture of quotes and DebConf20 costs. Generally, shipping should be cheaper than DebConf20, by
having printing and shipping more globally distributed.

Thanks, a budget that aims for a net total of 0 is great, if it turns out that the DebConf team can do anything more to make DebConf even better and need some further expenses for that, then please don't hesitate to request further funds from our reserves.

Can you approve this budget, so we can start printing and shipping?
DebConf21 Budget approved.


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