Hi Abhijith (2023.08.21_16:23:09_+0000)

Added my own edits, and re-generated from current git with current exchange

      USD -47,145.39  assets:SPI
      USD 222,745.17  expenses
          USD 818.14    covid
           USD 36.09      N95_mask
           USD 60.16      sanitizers
          USD 721.89      testing_kit
       USD 10,888.51    equipment
        USD 6,436.85      a/v_and_network
          USD 421.10        purchase
        USD 6,015.75        rental
        USD 3,609.45      import_tax
          USD 842.21      leased_line
        USD 5,414.18    fees
        USD 1,804.73      SPI
        USD 3,609.45      bank
        USD 2,887.56    incidentals
        USD 1,203.15    local_team
          USD 842.21    misc
          USD 120.32      childcare
          USD 601.58      printing
          USD 120.32      tea_bar
       USD 16,663.63    social
        USD 2,406.30      after_party(barbecue)
          USD 842.21      cheese_n_wine
          USD 601.58        liquor_license
          USD 240.63        purchases
        USD 8,602.52      conference_dinner
        USD 4,511.81        catering
          USD 902.36        travel
        USD 3,188.35        venue
        USD 4,812.60      day trip
        USD 9,637.23    swag:merchandise
       USD 65,090.43    travel
       USD 56,891.92      bursary
       USD 10,614.77        diversity
       USD 46,277.15        general
        USD 8,198.51      team
        USD 1,335.91        dc24
        USD 2,770.77        debconf-ctte
        USD 1,484.34        registration
        USD 2,607.49        video
      USD 109,300.13    venue
       USD 19,630.60      debcamp
       USD 13,028.91        food_accomodation
        USD 6,601.69        halls
       USD 89,669.53      debconf
       USD 73,855.33        food_accomodation
       USD 15,332.95        halls
          USD 481.26        lawn_roof
     USD -175,599.78  income
       USD -3,549.29    meals
       USD -9,180.04    registration
     USD -162,870.45    sponsors
      USD -13,234.65      bronze
      USD -40,522.10      gold
      USD -59,255.15      platinum
      USD -47,716.94      silver
       USD -2,141.61      supporter

Based on: 

We are projecting a loss of 47k USD.

Since last budget:

    overall only a small bump, but lots of reorganization within.
expenses:covid: unmodified
    reorganized: network and video were merged. Total hasn't moved much.
    bumped: paying into India is proving more expensive than Kosovo.
expenses:incidentals: unmodified
    bumped: out of town team will be visiting before debconf and need
expenses:misc: bumped: printing some banners for the venue
    broke down into more detail, small bump in conference dinner.
    bumped: Adding some more swag, and providing for 400 attendees
    instead of 300. 21 USD/attendee
expenses:travel: Overall unchanged, but reorganized
expenses:travel:bursary: bumped: with unused core team budget
    reduced: We significantly over-budgeted core team travel in the
    first budget. 20k USD -> 8k
    reduced: We reduced our room-night capacity by the maximum 10%, that
    the venue would let us, 1 month before the event. We think it's
    pretty close to accurate, now.  There should be further reductions
    from self-paying attendees consuming room-nights, but this isn't
    significant to the budget.
    We also added a marquee to allow serving food outside.

    reduced: There has been a few recent sponsorship signups, but we're
    still below the target we set.
    increased: We didn't budget for this at all, before.
    The projected income there for meals and registration is based on
    payments made so far. There's another USD 15k of outstanding
    invoices, but it's hard to know if these attendees will come or not,
    so we're not counting on it.
    increased: to current payments.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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