On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 12:57:31PM +0100, Nicolas Dandrimont wrote:
> * Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> [2017-11-22 12:16:05 +0100]:
> > On 11/22/2017 01:38 AM, Nicolas Dandrimont wrote:
> > > 1/ DNS updates
> > > 
> > > We would like to be able to update DNS entries for a subtree of 
> > > debconf.org to
> > > accommodate dynamic cloud instances. Our previous setup used 
> > > video.debconf.org,
> > > but we would like to move *streaming* to *.live.debconf.org, which will 
> > > allow
> > > video.debconf.org to be reused for a static documentation / video player /
> > > streaming player website. Could we enable the videoteam user on vittoria 
> > > (or
> > > another role user) to do so?
> > 
> > Is the idea to have DNS updates triggered automatically or by humans?
> > If the former, I wonder if using a third party DNS provider's API would
> > be better than direct git commits to our repo.  We recently got access
> > to netnod's API thing, so that might be an option (haven't played with
> > it yet).  Something like route53 might be another.  If updates would be
> > triggered by humans then we could give those users access to the zone.
> Having it controlled by humans through your git repo now (so we're sure we can
> have things set up for the miniconf without poking you too much), and 
> scripting
> an external API during our sprint so we can have a turn-key setup for future
> events sounds like a fair compromise.
> I propose the following zones:
>  - live.debconf.org controlled through git by {olasd@d.o, ivodd@d.o, 
> stefanor@d.o}
>  - live-test.debconf.org to be set up to be handled by an external API
> Once the external API has been tested we can switch that over.

DNS has support for authenticated dynamic updates. Bind supports that.
Why not use that?

nsupdate -k <TSIG key> <update filename>

where <update filename> contains something like:

update delete host01.live-test.debconf.org
update add newhost.live-test.debconf.org 86400 IN A a.b.c.d.

You generate a TSIG key with ddns-confgen. Done.

Could you people please use IRC like normal people?!?

  -- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre, trying to quiet down the buzz in the DebConf 2008

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