
Il 25/03/20 12:20, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana ha scritto:
> Do you have any experience with BigBlueButton?
> It seems a good solution to presentations, but I think we need login to
> watch.

BBB is a nice software for remote teaching and conferencing, but I am
not sure it scales well with many listeners. It is mostly oriented to
classroom-like meetings, where only a limited number of endpoints
actually engage in the room. So the speakers can directly join the BBB
room (and share webcam, screen, use the whiteboard, as they please), but
the general public should have the video delivered by a more scalable
solution (like the one we already use for DebConf, except that it would
need to be integrated with BBB). This also means, of course, that
viewers do not need to login). The feedback can be done via IRC as we
are already used to do. The BBB room must probably have at least one
moderator together with the speaker, so that the speaker is not required
to monitor the IRC channel.

For both Jitsi and BBB it is important to have a well-connected server
and to implement STUN/TURN/ICE properly, otherwise there will be never
ending connection issues. This might require some nontrivial admin and
network skills, which are surely available in Debian, but it is
important to give a fair amount of attention to that.

I am not sure of how the connection with Ben was implemented in
Curitiba, but my feeling back then was that it was quite hacky. Good for
a one time test, but we probably want something more click-and-go for
the general availability.

For BBB only the moderator needs to have an account on the BBB server.
Then they can create rooms and give the access link to anybody.

Giovanni Mascellani <g.mascell...@gmail.com>
Postdoc researcher - Université Libre de Bruxelles

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