I think this is a good idea. Having small videos that explain something trivial 
 or quick tips or something like setting up your favorite dev environment/ 
showcasing it’s benefits would be a great way to share experiences from older 
(read as more experienced) members to newer members.

Since sharing of such ideas usually happens during debcamp anyway, 
sharing/documenting these things for remote viewers would have a good impact I 
think. Maybe if this works we could join all these small videos and upload it 
to our video streaming platform of choice so that we could use that as a 
reference in the future if we forget.

As a member of the video team I can volunteer for this but I am open to other’s 
opinion regarding if this would work for the conference as a whole or if this 
would require significantly more volunteers than we currently get.


> On 29 Mar 2022, at 22:16, Stefano Rivera <stefa...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Gunnar (2022.03.29_17:27:34_+0000)
>> Of course, I'm not doing the work, and I cannot commit your time --
>> and I'm arguing against a team decision that's already been taken. I
>> can commit that, if I can make it to Kosovo (and that's still marked
>> as somewhat-unlikely-but-possible) I'll join the team and cover some
>> such talks, if they are accepted... But please, I won't make more mess
>> about this, and I surely won't insist on the team for upholding a
>> decision already taken, and that's completely within their competences
>> to take!
> That's a good way to handle it, I think. If a few people can volunteer
> to help like that, then we can confidently schedule a few remote talks.
> SR
> -- 
> Stefano Rivera
>  http://tumbleweed.org.za/
>  +1 415 683 3272

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