Just talked with Nattie, and she is not available. So we will have this
discussion later.

(And sorry for the very short notice!)

El 16/09/23 a las 17:12, Tassia Camoes escribió:
> Sorry I didnt reply earlier, but I'll be there at 5:30. If this is not 
> happening, please ler me know.
> On September 16, 2023 2:03:32 PM GMT+05:30, "Santiago Ruano Rincón" 
> <santiag...@riseup.net> wrote:
> >Hi!
> >
> >As discussed with some of you, and as proposed by Nattie, it could be
> >nice to have a short meeting to talk about remote participation in
> >future debconfs. For those available, we could meet in front of the
> >videoteam room (next to Ponmudi), at 17:30 (Afternoon brake).
> >
> >How does that sound?
> >
> >cheers,
> >
> > -- Santiago

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