Skip since you obviously don't understand ...

There's no accessibility in the mini iso, I would have used it,
installed gnome-orca and brltty don't add accessibility options.

Yes I build a distro slowly, I have an interface for colorblinds
tested ready to pack but to fix accessibility for real on Linux I have
to create a distro in a proper way so I can't simply join Debian team,
I will later push my changes however.

2018-03-15 11:17 UTC−04:00, Samuel Thibault <>:
> michael caron couturier, on jeu. 15 mars 2018 10:53:32 -0400, wrote:
>> If you need at all cost to see to under that accessibility isn't on a
>> build made from the mini iso :
> You mean you installed Debian without using accessibility, and
> then you got a system which does not have accessibility enabled?
> Well, yes, that is expected.  Again, to enable accessibility in the
> installed system, see the few commands we run, as documented on
> Samuel

Michaël Caron Couturier

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