On 2/8/19 7:16 PM, Sam Hartman wrote:
To be clear, if you're using Orca, the Orca navigation for this works
quite well.  Yes, everything would be great if it had keyboard
navigation.  And yes, for people who don't need a screen reader, but for
whom a mouse is not usable, the keyboard navigation is critical.  For
Orca users, I would not describe this as serious, unless I'm missing
I do fully understand that accessibility is wider than screen readers:-)

If the user has to rely on "flat review" to navigate to an object, then that indicates a serious accessibility bug, in my view - inconvenient for screen reader users, but, as you note, critical for sighted keyboard-only users.

That's why success criterion 2.1.1 of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 is in place, and why it's reflected in the EN 301 549 public procurement standard for ICT products and services in the European Union, and regulations under section 508 of the rehabilitation Act in the United States, for example.

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