Have you checked the places and about tabs out thoroughly yet?  On slint
there's a control on one of them that opens up the mate user guide.
Once opened it will also help to turn on caret navigation.

On Wed, 20 May 2020, John J. Boyer wrote:

> Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 10:13:34
> From: John J. Boyer <john.bo...@abilitiessoft.org>
> To: debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org
> Subject: The mate-user-guide is inacessible.
> Resent-Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 14:13:50 +0000 (UTC)
> Resent-From: debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org
> Hello,
> Thanks Alex.
> I have tried going to wiki.mate-desktop.org/#!index.md with both firefox and 
> Chromium. I couldnt make head or tail of the site. The help option in Mate
> does not work.
> How can I read the mate-user-guide? My opinioon is that they should have made 
> it a simple Web page. That is what NVDA did.
> Thanks,
> John


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