If I agreed with you, both of us would be wrong.

On Sun, 9 Jan 2022, batman wrote:

> high, I am batman, wlcome to gothum city
> On 30/12/2021 15:56, Jordan Livesey wrote:
> > I don't have to tell you this but for the last time, slackware isn't easy to
> > use nore is anything based on slackware, which is why it doesn't support
> > secure boot also, that is why debian is better
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 3:54 PM D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n...@arrl.net> wrote:
> >
> >     And I just stated that Slint was amazingly accessible,
> >     accessibility also means easy to use. Slint has the features, at
> >     least with additional screen readers, already installed, easy to
> >     switch on with a well documented script named "speak-with".
> >
> >     That's not a war or any reason for a war, it's just a compliment.
> >
> >     I love Debian, although I'd like to install the 10.1 from the
> >     installation media and have sound while doing so. I understand
> >     it's just my hardware not everyone else's. I'm still trying to
> >     figure out the cause, but with multiple problems it's difficult,
> >     but I can run Debian 10.1 as root, but I don't want to! So I'll
> >     uninstall and reinstall Debian 9.
> >
> >     There seems to be someone else who is flooding the list with
> >     nonsense which should stop.
> >
> >     Samuel, I stand by my statement, accessibility is not only ability
> >     to be used, but ease of use, but that wasn't and never should be a
> >     call for a war, which is what only you have mentioned.
> >
> >     There, I said it. I never mentioned a war, I never called for one,
> >     I simply said that it's easier to access accessibility features in
> >     Slint, especially true for the newcomer. A compliment, not a wish
> >     for war.
> >
> >     Best wishes,
> >
> >     David
> >
> >
> >
> >     On Thu, Dec 30, 2021, 06:20 Samuel Thibault <sthiba...@debian.org>
> >     wrote:
> >
> >         Didier Spaier, le jeu. 30 d?c. 2021 10:32:24 +0100, a ecrit:
> >         > On 30/12/2021 08:10, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> >         > > You also have the same choice on other distributions such
> >         as Debian.
> >         > >
> >         > > Please don't fall in a distro war, we don't need that.
> >         >
> >         > Well Samuel, you quoted me out of context, I am not the one
> >         who started the war.
> >
> >         I didn't quote you, I quoted D.J.J. Ring.
> >
> >         Samuel
> >

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