Hi, I am often doing testing of software like Android building and find that speech will stop during one of the processor heavy building processes.  What I would like to be able to do is to change espeakup and other processes so they run with the highest niceness and scheduling so that if a normal building process uses a lot of resources I can still use the espeakup program with speakup review commands.  As it currently is setup if the system is doing a very heavy task with the hard drive and I try to review the screen either in that console or another I get no speech for sometimes a very long time and there has been times where I have had to completely reboot the system remotely in order to get speech back as when speech is working there is a very long delay during heavy working processes.  Is there a way to get espeakup and related processes running at a much higher setup the highest if possible to help out with this issue?  Yes I could always tell the building process to not use as many jobs but this slows down the building process.  Nick Gawronski

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