LibreFaso, le dim. 06 mars 2022 18:17:34 +0000, a ecrit:
> I've begun parsing the documentation of espeak-ng but that's a lot of 
> information to process, and the meeting with ABPAM is supposed to be 
> tomorrow. 
> Could you please just explain what are the lower-level contributions that 
> would help adding a new language ?

I don't know, I just know that it's in the espeak-ng documentation.

> it would be very important to have also "grunt work" to give to all kids as 
> an entry-level task, so as to help them understand that contribution is 
> possible to everybody, and to keep a team spirit.

There are the pronunciation exception rules which don't really require
coding, just respecting the file syntax.

> And I didn't understand whether it would be required to have people 
> pronouncing phrases in Mooré or Fulfuldé or whatever (like Common Voice 
> requests it) or whether the computer would only require phonemes (nor where 
> these phonemes would come from) ?

AFAIK espeak-ng is about phonemes.


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