nmtui I found works better.  It's possible the area of the drive with
/home in it is going bad.  I'm running smartctl -t long over here since
I'm pretty sure that's what's happening here.

Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


On Fri, 17 Mar 2023, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:

> Hello,
> This email is being sent to Debian-Accessibility and Debian-Boot separately.
> I installed from this file:debian-live-11.6.0-amd64-mate+nonfree.iso under
> Windows11 using. Win32 Disk Imager following the Debian Instructions, I had
> previously been using Unetbootin.
> I was asked to install this because I had failures using the "latest"
> Alpha2 iso.
> I still cannot log into the system using my user name and password.
> The system starts the GUI but fails and goes back to the log in screen, but
> only for user, root can run the GUI.
> The installer doesn't ask me where to put GRUB, I believe it should as
> I have multiple Linux distros and several hard drives.
> One big thing to the Accessibility Community is that the base packages
> - that is just installing the base packages and standard utilities
> without Debian Desktop Environment and any other Desktop Environment
> like MATE, is that either nmcli or nmtui should be installed.  It's
> difficult for many including myself to remember how to get a WiFi
> connection up and running without such a program.
> Debian Accessibility mentioned that it was going to put in a request
> that there be a choice to boot into the CLI text mode, many blind
> users love the CLI because it's unambiguous.
> The instructions I was given was to do this in /var/log/
> tar -cf log.tar.bz2 ./hardware-summary lsb-release partman status syslog
> However none of the files except syslog are there, so I just include a
> pastebin link for syslog.
> syslog is here: https://pastebin.com/GzYARtRG
> What I have to do is log in as root giving the root password.  Then I
> can start X, I can also from the root prompt, enter "su myusername"
> and start X. I also from root prompt entered "passwd myusername" and
> entered my usename password.  I still cannot log in.
> Best regards,
> David Ring

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