
Samuel Wales, le lun. 03 avril 2023 17:42:24 -0700, a ecrit:
> in various places,  such as debconf, there is a tui in debian that is
> blue, grey, and red, with black text.
> e.g. dpkg-reconfigure sometimes uses it.  i have a lot of trouble with
> blue and some trouble with the brightness of the grey, but still want
> contrast.  can i change these colors to somethign that works better
> for me?  e.g. orange on black.

Yes, you can tune colors with the NEWT_COLORS environment variable, e.g.

export NEWT_COLORS='root=,black roottext=white,black window=,black 
textbox=white,black border=white,black button=white,black checkbox=white,black 

>     urxvt -fn "xft:bitstream vera sans mono:pixelsize=32" \
>         -background '#cd8000'
> this is color-backward from what i want

Then use

urxvt -fn "xft:bitstream vera sans mono:pixelsize=32" -foreground '#cd8000'     

> also the font is a bit too small for me. idk where find a number to
> substitute for 32.

You can pick up whatever number you like, since mono is a vector font.

> also there is a grey border on the left that does not
> go away with -bl and similar options.

It is the scrollbar, you can turn it off with -sb or +sb

> the accessibility issues include the white is much much too bright.
> prefer orange on black or so.

You can use

setterm -foreground yellow

that will show up as orange.

> i can't always get legibly large fonts.

You can tune font size with dpkg-reconfigure console-setup: use a
Terminus font to get access to the 16x32 size.

> i can't make the blinking cursor into a filled red block cursor
> permanently.

You can use

echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink

to avoid the blink, and

tput cvvis

to make it a block. You can stuff the former in /etc/rc.local and th
latter in your .bash_profile


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