Hello, I have just subscribed myself to the debian-admintool list, so forgive me for any inconvienences. I have been reading the last messages in the lists archive.
I have been using Debian for some time now and I would like to help in the two main subjects I think Debian should be improved, drawn from my experience of people using Debian with few computer backgrounds: 1) A lot simpler installation and administration. There should be an option in the installatoion procedure to say you are a newbie to Debian and want to make as few decisions as possible and answer as little questions as possible, and then installing a "user-frinedly" environment automatically (GNOME for example). 2) Making Debian in other languages. At least the installation, not neccesarily the man pages (but that maybe is a theme for another list). In conclusion: I would like to see where I can fit into Debian developing with these, my personal interests, in mind. The problem is I don't quite see which list I should subscribe myself to in order to peace my soul in ease of installation and administration. As I have deduced from the previous mails I have read and from my experience installing Debian (version 1.3.1., I still don't have available 2.0) the installation procedure can be divided into three parts: 1) The menus that appear when you install Debian for the first time, i.e. the ones that show up with the floppy disks installation. I don't know what the name of this program is and in which list this is discussed. 2) Installation program: the dselect program. I beleive this is going to be substituted for APT (or deity) and there is already a list for this, but it looks like some aspects of this are being discussed here (automatically installing packages with no questions), am I right? 3) Administration programs. There seem to be several efforts going on here: - Waiting for COAS. - xAdmin - dtxtdb, being suspended and waiting for COAS. Is this correct? Xavier Calbet