wouldn't it just be better to use something along the lines of autoconfigure
(i think that's the name anyway, its what you use to configure the linux
kernel)? it already has a nice format for input and output files, which
includes conditional variables (for things like the "do you have a gateway?"
and "what is the ip?" example) and limits on values, and can be edited by
hand fairly easily so long as the configure.in used reasonable variable
names. furthermore there's already a front end (three in fact, all bundled
with every kernel source distribution). then all we'd need is something that
turns the output of configure into something usable by the package using it.
so all we need is to add a configure.in and a script to translate to any
package and it can use the new handy-dandy-automagical autoconfigure tool.

or am i thinking of something completely different here?


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