>       What are the purposes of the lists?

        Define and ultimately coordinate a build or some builds.
(I think, I'm not the listmaster.)

>       Scripts for easy the administrator's life? X configs based?

        Not tied to any display, ultimately, but with interfaces
on the console, X and web.

>       What about discuss LinuxConf, Yast, and other options for Debian dist?

        There's been a lot of discussion about this on the list,
and it is probably a good idea.  Originally, though, noone wanted
to break anything pre-configtool, so ideas were thrown around
about building a sequence of parsers capable of mucking about
various config files, and tying them to a single interface
layer to a database of some kind.  Then various machine and
software properties could be set or a desired state be found
by the config manager (and implemented.)  Yast I haven't
heard of.

        An interesting editorial I looked at the other day said
that caldera had a distribution that installed purely graphically,
with minimal intervention.  The writer did comment that the whole
setup was harder to administer in a traditional unix/linux manner,
so it wasn't going to please anyone.

        Earlier, someone was making a pdmenu interface to admintools
(like dconfig,) and other stuff, to collect the admintools together
and make them available through a single interface.  (I'm not
sure if someone wrote a gimp version of pdmenu.)  That would take
care of console and X.

        Everyone wants it to be completely free, and it has to do
whatever it is going to do.

        The current setup isn't bad at all, unless you are a
100% pure windows refugee.

        I've been thinking about how to tag the doc directories
(Howto and the various stuff together,) but I don't have much
time right now.  I'm one of those programmers who is writing
commercial software for pay (in a nasty little language called
visual basic with a not-too-bad database called access,) and
I don't have much mental energy left at the end of the day. The
engineer who worked on the program before me was a really nice
guy, but the thing is just messy.

        Unix is not hard to administer.  Collecting all the
info into one place is the harder part (that's where the folks
at O'reilly make their money -- support.)


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