I'm running Debian (testing) on my PWS500au (1.5 Gb ram, 45 Gb disks).
The only thing I'm missing to dump my x86 system is a graphical
web-browser. links and lynx are very nice, and I use them daily, but
they're not always the first choice.

I run the latest XFree (4.1.0-9) on a Matrox Millennium II with 8 Mb,
with fvwm95 as window-manager.

So I downloaded Mozilla M18-3 via apt. It starts, then hangs. This seems
to be a common problem, I found more people having this problem on the
www. Then I deceided to put all that memory and diskspace to good use
and compile mozilla (0.9.5) myself. Given the following .mozconfig file

ac_add_options --disable-tests
ac_add_options --disable-debug
ac_add_options --enable-strip-libs
ac_add_options --disable-mailnews
ac_add_options --enable-optimize

and the following ./configure options:

./configure --without-debug-modules --enable-optimize
--disable-trace-malloc --disable-jsd --disable-logging
--disable-mailnews --disable-debug

it compiles without errors.

If I then go to dist/bin and type ./mozilla I get a mozilla-window, but
it doesn't know anything about my window-manager - it's just a window,
and I can only resize it via the file menu.

Is there a special trick to get it to behave like a normal program,
where the bottom right corner changes the mouse to a resize cursor and
allows dragging to resize? I've twiddled with a few configure options,
but recompiling this monstrosity takes quite some time, and it didn't
work out.

There was an uncomfortable silence. When Fisher finally spoke again, her
voice was calm and cold and very deadly. "When this is all over, there's
going to be an accounting between me and Commander bloody Glen."
        Simon R Green - Guard against Dishonour

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