On Tue 04 Feb 2003, Adrian Godwin wrote:
> Could I subsequently swap the 4GB drive for some other
> SCA drive, or will the carrier impose restrictions on the 
> type of drive fitted ? 
> Does SCA supercede the old ultra, fast and wide options,
> or do you get SCA Ultra, SCA Wide etc ? 

SCA is what on the drive, there's no "carrier" between the SCA connector
and the disk.  It's basically what makes the disk hot-pluggable; AFAIK
the connections are arranged so that the power supply is connected
first, etc. all in the correct order.  Yes, the power supply is also
connected via the SCA.  It's basically a wide scsi connection, whether
it's fast, ultra etc. is dependent on the disk.

> This would certainly be the most flexible solution, but 
> the existing 9.1GB disk isn't full yet and I've got a 
> lot of empty slots. If I know what to look out for, I've
> got a good chance of finding something suitable before
> I need it.

At work we have a stack of obsolete 9GB SCA disks I'm waiting to get my
hands on :-) Waiting for them to be officially written off...

Paul Slootman

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