On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 02:44:28AM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 08:56:38AM +0000, Tim Cutts wrote:
> > >Martin Zobel-Helas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > >>Hi Dan,
> > >>On Monday, 14 Mar 2005, you wrote:
> > >>>http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2005/03/msg00012.html
> > >>Alpha will become SCC and will be availible via scc.d.o.
> > >In fact, there isn't even a reason why it couldn't become a fully
> > >supported architecture, except that there is only one buildd
> > >currently. Unfortunately, it is not clear what would need to happen to
> > >change that.
> > I have offered to create and host buildd's on this list at least twice 
> > before, and no-one has responded with pointers as to how to go about .  
> > We have a lot of Alpha kit here, and could easily provide at least one, 
> > and possibly more, buildd's of considerable power (possibly even 
> > something as large as an ES40).  Especially if it means the difference 
> > between keeping it as a supported architecture and losing it.
> > What sort of machine is the current buildd?
> The current live buildd is a DS20E EV68 833MHz with 4GB RAM (disk unknown).
> The failed buildd is a Dual Alpha EV6 666MHz with 512MB RAM and 33GB of
> disk.  Replacement buildds for alpha should be of comparable or greater
> specs; escher, which is known to *not* be able to keep up with the unstable
> package queue, is an SX164 533.
> > All someone needs to do is point me at the right people to co-ordinate 
> > with, and a set of instructions.
> Currently, there is no set of public instructions/requirements for new
> buildds.  Since historically the acceptance rate of new buildd offers is
> fairly low (often because they're unsuitable for one reason or another
> AIUI), I don't think there's much sense in sending individual offers to the
> buildd maintainers until there is some kind of a checklist that people can
> check against beforehand.
> -- 
> Steve Langasek
> postmodern programmer

2x Dual Alpha 833 with 2G of RAM and 32G of disk going to Paul Cupis
today/tomorrow: both to be hosted by him for Debian AIUI. Both suitable
as autobuilders. Tim Cutt from Wellcome-Sanger Inst. in Cambridge would
host an autobuilder internally - they have _lots_ of Alphas and want to
keep them going (as above). More alphas potentially on their way from my donor.

Does any of this help?


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