I've made a complete mess of CD images for Beta2 so far as the result of a wrong assumption. This means, as some installation reports and comments have shown, that CD images linked from [1] have been broken since last Friday.
The good news is that there are now good Beta2 netinst and businesscard CD test images available from [1]. Note that these are not the regular etch_d-i or sid_d-i. The correct link for Beta2 images is currently: http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/beta2-test-build/ Initial tests using these images for i386 and sparc64 have shown no problems. Tests for other arches are very much appreciated [2]. This also means that there are no good full CD images available yet. However, some issues with full CD images have been identified [3] and are being worked on. I've also uploaded the (hopefully final) 20060302 build of debian-installer today which includes the new 2.6.15-7 kernels. It has been accepted for i386 and so should now start building for all arches. We will probably have a small further delay in the Beta2 release, but because no blocking issues have been identified as yet, it looks as if we can keep it minimal. I'm somewhat reluctant to post hard dates ATM. I'm very sorry for any confusion. Please blame it on my inexperience as release manager for d-i and the complexity of the whole process. Cheers, FJP [1] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ [2] SVN: installer/doc/devel/release-checklist [3] http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2006/03/msg00050.html
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