On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 08:45:52AM +0100, Martin Collins wrote:

> > Maybe my comments were misleading... I used a serial console. It
> > doesn't mean that serial console is the only way. In fact, I had to
> > pass console=ttyS0 to be able to get a serial console. So
> > VGA/TGA/whatever support must be included in the kernel.

> I wasn't mislead. I get no output on TGA nor VGA. If I hadn't found
> your post I would not have bothered setting up a serial console.
> With the RedHat (IIRC, it was > 7 years ago) you could have either
> TGA or VGA but not both in the kernel.
> Since only SRM is supported, and SRM only supports TGA,

Er, where did you get this idea?  SRM supports VGA just fine.  What it
doesn't support is PC BIOS-specific card initialization, AFAIK, but that's
something else -- I've used a non-TGA video adapter in my system with SRM
for years.

> I guess the Debian kernels are built with TGA.

No, tgafb is available only as a module, and this module is not included in
the Debian installer at all right now.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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