(Cross posted to debian-sparc and debian-alpha)

Dear Debian Alpha/Sparc users,

I am observing mysterious failures of a BLAS+LAPACK based package not
building on sparc and alpha due to its failure to find the zdotu_
function in Blas. The failed build logs are:



Now, to help me debug this failure, I would request people with access
to sid on these architecture machines to do the following, please:

1. Please build and run the following programs
g++ <progfile>.cpp -lblas should do.

Program 1

#include <complex>
typedef std::complex<double> cdouble;
extern "C" {
  cdouble zdotu_(const int *, const cdouble *, const int *,
                 const cdouble *, const int *);

int main() {
  const int incr = 1;
  const int size = 6;
  cdouble a[size] = {cdouble( 0.7219, 0.8871), cdouble(0.7073,-0.7953),
                     cdouble( 0.2610, 0.4325),  cdouble(-0.0565,-0.0719),
                     cdouble( 0.7277,-0.9754), cdouble(-0.3780, 1.0718)};
  cdouble b[size] = {cdouble(-0.0821,+0.8410), cdouble(-0.0749, 0.0729),
                     cdouble(-0.6094,-0.2975), cdouble(0.2106, -0.2026),
                     cdouble( 0.1043,-0.8300), cdouble( 0.0806, 0.3698)};
  cdouble x_ref(-2.01767031,-0.45861365);
  cdouble x = zdotu_(&size, a, &incr, b, &incr);
  return (std::abs(x - x_ref) < 1e-6) ? 0 : 1;

Program 2
#include <complex>

#define SIZE 6

typedef std::complex<double> cdouble;

using namespace std;

extern "C" {
  void zdotu_(cdouble *, const int *, const cdouble *, const int *,
              const cdouble *, const int *);

int main() {
  int incr = 1;
  const int size = SIZE;
  cdouble a[SIZE] = {cdouble( 0.7219, 0.8871), cdouble( 0.7073,-0.7953),
                     cdouble( 0.2610, 0.4325), cdouble(-0.0565,-0.0719),
                     cdouble( 0.7277,-0.9754), cdouble(-0.3780, 1.0718)};
  cdouble b[SIZE] = {cdouble(-0.0821,+0.8410), cdouble(-0.0749, 0.0729),
                     cdouble(-0.6094,-0.2975), cdouble( 0.2106,-0.2026),
                     cdouble( 0.1043,-0.8300), cdouble( 0.0806, 0.3698)};
  cdouble x_ref(-2.01767031,-0.45861365);
  cdouble x;
  zdotu_(&x, &size, a, &incr, b, &incr);
  return (std::abs(x - x_ref) < 1e-6) ? 0 : 1;

2. If the programs runs and gives no error and exits with a nice
status message, please fetch the source for libitpp 4.0.2-1 from sid,
and please run the ./configure and send me the config.log, if
possible, in the presence of the build dependencies, of course.

Thank you!

Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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