Manuel Prinz schrieb:
[ Please CC me in replies. I'm not subscribed. ]

Dear Alpha porters,

in order to track down the issue that prevents Open MPI from building on
Alpha (bug #510845), I'd like to request access to machine where I can
work on the issue. I tried to get some information on this but still
have some questions which I hope you can answer:

     1. The box available for developers is albeniz, right?
     2. Since this is the first time I request to use such a service, is
        there any documentation on how to work on the machine? (Like
        "use chroot X".)
     3. Is it possible to install libtool from experimental? It is
        required by upstream in case the build system needs to be

Thanks in advance for your time and support!

Best regards

Do you require Debian/Alpha, or would Fedora/Alpha also be fine?
(Sorry, Debianers :-))


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