On 03-29 16:30, Michael Cree wrote:
> On 29/03/2011, at 3:34 PM, Craig Prescott wrote:
> >FWIW, though, I don't think we're going to get far asking Debian
> >leadership about a *Squeeze* release on Alpha.  I think that ship
> >sailed in 2009.
> Absolutely.  The time to do something about the Squeeze release was
> 18 months to 2 years ago and has long past.
> > Is that really what you meant?  IMO, if there really is interest
> >and resources that can be committed to official or semi-official
> >support of Debian on Alpha, it would be better to look beyond
> >Squeeze.
> Yes.  We will be looking towards Wheezy, but we need immediate and
> substantial action otherwise Alpha is shortly to be removed from
> Debian (I am not sure what the timeframe is, but the decision has
> already been made).
> >To build Debian packages for the alpha architecture - in the full-
> >blown Debian way - a wanna-build server, buildd machine(s), and an
> >apt repository will be needed.
> Official ones exist at the moment but, as noted above, it appears
> they may be about to be dismantled.
> I agree that Steve Langasek is the person to contact at this stage.
I have some exprience with schroot, as I used it for re-building i386
packages with other compilation flags (like -march=core2 -fpmath=sse -O3 :D ),
and used it for some time (I resigned because many packages had manually
hard-coded gcc options, and I wanted to be no invasive, reported about 10 bugs,
in build of few important packages, to actually use proper way of acuiring gcc 

So, I know how to configure schroot, and will also setup buildd,
and then look how it interact with wanna-build server.

Currently I'm reconfiguring my two boxes into RAID 1+0 (4 disks), so each will
have 20GB of local storage in fast and redundant setup. Additionally
in local network (100Mbps), I have NFS4 server with about 1TB of free space,
to which I can move builded packages before I or somebody else will upload
them where needed.
I previously have 6 disks in each of this boxes (XP1000), but it was overkill
(bandwidth was limited by something, and compilations was more CPU bound in 
I performed, so essentially disks was not operating optimally).
Better will put more machines with fewer disks.

Third box (with similar setup) will be used as a workstation
with Xorg running, so I will actually install them and use this builded 
packages. :)
So it will be of course running Debian unstable.

I still trying to test a stability of hardware itself, before actually
using it for something really serious. No problems found yet, but just
for safety want to stress test this old hardware for some more time.

I think buildd problems can be resolved quickly, it just needs cooperation
and identifing people involved currnetly. Additionally we will need
to ask Security Team about status of buildd for s.d.o, as I understand they are 
machines with better control from security team. They will probably want
redundant setup for this.

I had never built a cdimages for debian mayself, and I will probably
not have enaugh time to do one more thing. Maybe one day I will learn.
Or can we actually build cdimages on other architecture?
This way I could for example use another machine for this task,
but I really do not want this, as my net connection is only 10Mbps,
and uploading for example daily or weekly images which are very big,
will take quite long time and put big load on network.
So someone with better conectivity to place where images are going
to be uploaded is recomended for this task. :)

PS. I have actually 100Mbps connection to Debian mirror, so this 10Mbps
isn't such big problem actually. I will try talking to our network
administrator, if they provide more bandwidth to this subnetwork.


Witold Baryluk
JID: witold.baryluk // jabster.pl

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