On 04-14 06:43, Bill MacAllister wrote:
> --On Thursday, April 14, 2011 08:48:10 PM +1200 Michael Cree 
> <mc...@orcon.net.nz> wrote:
> >Debian Alpha People,
> >
> >You may have noted the removal of the Alpha port from the Debian
> >autobuilder network.  Packages are no longer being built for the
> >unstable distribution.
> >
> >Hopefully you have seen the promising message from Aurelien [1] that
> >it is likely that the Alpha port of Debian can be accommodated in
> >debian-ports in the next couple of weeks or so.  To enable that we
> >need to start organising ourselves.  As no-one else has stepped up I
> >am sending out this message but I have to admit I have limited
> >knowledge of the Debian process of porting and packaging.  I suspect
> >we may be all on a step learning curve.  Has anyone heard from
> >Arthur Loiret?  It would be nice to get an actual Debian Developer
> >on board.
> I have experience building debian packages that we use internally
> here at Stanford.  I can help with basic packaging.
> >The debian-ports server is a wanna-build server.  It maintains a
> >database of built and needs to be built packages and manages the
> >allocation of building to buildds.  I believe debian-ports also
> >hosts the accessible apt package repository.

Hosting wanna-build on debian-ports would be awsome. You already
are expirienced in it, and it is good to have centralized
and better maintained place for this (as debian-ports is
already for about 10 ports).

Probably the hardest part is bootstraping repository
with essential packages. Are there any instruction
from which packages we should start, or wannt-build will
perform this automatically somehow?

> >
> >It appears we are to provide the Alpha buildds.  We need at least
> >two for redundancy but if older hardware is used then we may need
> >three or four.  Craig, Witold, Robert, are you all able to offer a
> >machine to be a buildd?  I don't think I can---I have an XP1000 that
> >is my main computer that I use, and two PWS600au, but they are a bit
> >slow.


I can offer almost right now 2 fully loaded XP1000 exclusivly for buildd.
All boxes have essentially 21264 500MHz, 1GB RAM, 4x 9GB fast disk,
and Internet connection using IPv6. I can try putting them on IPv4
but this will be harder.
I am now waiting for delivering more RAM so I could put 2GB of RAM
in each and bigger ethernet switch, because I have now everything
filled in office. :)

I'm still fighting with IDE performance (XP1000 are known to have
problems with DMA on IDE), but it will be solved soon (about a week),
and actually isn't big deal, as main storage for buildd will be on SCSI.

(I have 3 more XP1000, but I'm using them for my own tasks,
kernel reboots, Xorg, experimental stuff, etc. One of them also do
not have harddrives and RAM, cause I put this resources into another ones.
And in the process I yeasterday trashed two XP1000 boxes :/
They were totally dead, fortunetly I took memory and storage,
so we can use it for something more usefull. ).

As of buildd, I already installed buildd and sbuild on one
of this machines, and it essentially works, but would
be better, if debian-ports can provide own buildd/sbuild/apt
repositories for this, as well setup instruction
(I was obviously using Debian's one).

I would also want to know if anybody else would need
to have administrative access to the buildd machine?
As i understand buildd user, unfortunetly can sude into root
(because it for example create LVM snapshots, mounts,
unmounts, deboostrap, etc.). So, what security
issues needs to be taken into consideration?

> >Who is prepared to assist in the checking of built package logs,
> >uploading successful builds, and reporting build failures?
> >Hopefully we can get three or four of us so that it lightens the
> >load and enables package builds to continue when someone is
> >unavailable.  I volunteer for some of this load --- but I won't be
> >able to attend to it every day.  It will be more likely twice a
> >week.
> I can also help with looking the the build logs.

Me too. At least from time to time. (two time a week maybe).
Definietly more frequently for my own machines.


Witold Baryluk

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