On 5/10/2019 10:35AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

> Hi!

> On 5/10/19 5:42 PM, Skye wrote:
>>> Thank you!  I'll give the Alpha version a try in the next few days.
>>> Waiting on a 4.18 kernel build: should be done in the next 24 hours
>>> or so.
>> Does this new install image require updated firmware?  I am running a series
>> of AlphaStation 255 boxes with firmware circa 1999.
> Updating your firmware should not be necessary. So, just give it a try
> and report back. You might run into a problem with missing firmware
> on the installation medium. This is a known issue and being worked on.
> Adrian

Much obliged Adrian.  I have a go at it and see what happens.


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