On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 09:38:55PM -0500, Bob Tracy wrote:
> I say "almost clean", because a recent update managed to break my
> resolver configuration: "/etc/resolv.conf" came up completely empty, in
> spite of "/etc/network/interfaces" having the requisite
> "dns-nameservers" and "dns-search" lines for my primary interface (eth0).
> The "resolvconf" package is definitely installed, but I'm guessing some
> new interaction between "systemd", "NetworkManager", and possibly
> "resolvconf" is, er, ah, unfortunate.

It appears that all the configuration info in "/etc/network/interfaces"
for my "eth0" interface was completely ignored other than the IPv4
address.  No IPv6 address, no "dns-*" config items, etc.  Thanks,
systemd!  Not :-(.  I blame "systemd", because, when it was still
dropping me into emergency mode, "eth0" came up correctly.


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