On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 08:51:04PM +0200, Frederik Schueler wrote:
> In the first place, we decided to not change the mirrors list and
> distribution in the installer, since we where told pure64 would be added 
> to Sid as soon as 95% of source packages would be ported.

95%?  If I'm not completely wrong, at least for gcc-3.4, we're currently
approaching 98%.  And that is _with_ the binary-all packages, that they
seemingly don't count or even bother about at buildd.debian.org...
    Actually, it would be kind of interesting to know how much of i386
builds on sid if one counts binary-all as well.  I wouldn't be surprised
if pure64 and gcc-3.4 are approaching i386.
    I'm not into Debian politics, but I'd guess the people in power are
way too busy getting sarge out of the door, and I won't argue with that

Frederik Schüler, Andreas Jochens, and all you other guys - your work
is absolutely stunning!
Kåre Hviid                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 +45 3815 3075
Sys Admin      Institut for Datalingvistik, Handelshøjskolen i København

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