On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 09:30:57PM +0200, Johan Groth wrote:
> So I wonder which graphics card do you use? I have a Leadtek FX5200
> (AGPx8) which is the cheapest AGPx8 card I could find. Should I go for
> something more expensive. I would prefer NVidia but can go for a ATI as
> well. Just as long as it is compatible with a 2885 MB and is stable.

 I just put together an Athlon64 at home, with an Asus K8V mobo, and an
Athlon64 3200+ (newcastle core :) CPU.  I picked up a second-hand ATI Radeon
All-in-Wonder AGP card, which supports AGP 4X (1.5V), so it works with
8x/4x-only mobos.  It's the original Radeon 7000, w/32MB of RAM, so it's not
fast at 3D, but it's ok.  I haven't tried the TV in/out yet, but that should
be an adventure w/AMD64 :)

  I'm still digesting all the recent emails about Promise PATA+SATA
controllers...  (I have 2 PATA drives with i386 Debian all nicely installed
and set up with a combination of RAID1 and LVM...  I was hoping to put one
of them on the PATA port driven by the mobo's 20376 promise controller, but
that may have to wait for driver advancements.  The Promise BIOS seems
unhappy that there is no RAID array defined for the drive...  If I want to
boot from it, I might have to set it up in the BIOS as a one-drive RAID0,
which sounds ridiculous.  The mobo manual says the promise controller won't
work with optical drives, but if I can live without being able to boot from
CDROM, that would be a good way to go if it works with Linux.)

> ________________________________
> From: David Dumas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thu 30/09/2004 19:48
> To: debian-amd64@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Install Report: Tyan Thunder K8S Pro / dual Opteron 250 / 2GB / SATA 
> root

> ...

> The only hitch was that I left a "/dev/sdb" in fstab that needed to be
> "/dev/sda", and as a result fsck failed on boot.  The root filesystem
> seemed stuck in readonly mode, so my solution was to add the kernel
> parameter "rw" and skip fsck on boot.  I was then able to edit fstab.

 Next time, try   mount / -o remount,rw.   Don't forget to  
mount / -o remount,ro  when you're done, for a clean shutdown.

#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] , des.ca)

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BC

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