On 2004-10-14 15:58:32 +0300, Kari Ruohonen wrote:
> I am running pure64 on athlon 64 system. Debian installed fine. Now, I
> have added "deb http://debian-amd64.alioth.debian.org/
> openoffice.org/" in my sources.list, apt-get updated and found
> "openoffice.org-amd64" package. I apt-get openoffice.org-amd64 but get
> the following error message:
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>   openoffice.org-amd64: Depends: openoffice.org (> 1.1.1+1.1.2rc3) but
>   it is not going to be installed
> If I try to add openoffice.org on the apt-get install line, another
> error message stating that this time openoffice.org-bin is missing and
> this package has no install candidate.
> I have ia32-libs and ia32-libs-openoffice.org installed. What else do
> I need to do?

openoffice.org-debian-files is in the openoffice.org folder and also in
the pure64 archive. You need the one from the openoffice.org folder.
That one from the pure64 archive needs a newer openoffice.org. Try 

apt-get install openoffice.org-debian-files=1.1.2-2+1.0.1

Then you should be able to install openoffice.org-amd64.


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