Am 2004-09-07 22:32:46, schrieb Kurt Roeckx:
> On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 10:17:19PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > 
> > I have tried it with one memory Module (2 GByte) and it does not work.
> > The Kernel does not find the second CPU
> You're using (or enabled) SMP right?
> > I have installed the kernel-source-2.4.27_2.4.27-2_all.deb
> That's a source package, it means you still have to build your
> kernel.  It doesn't tell much about what options you enabled or
> not.

I have build it from there because the kernel-image 
was not working for me

> Why are you using a 2.4 kernel on amd64 anyway?  Support for
> x86_64 isn't that good in 2.4 and I don't know about any current
> problems in the 2.6 kernels.  Atleast not since 2.6.5.

I have tried it since 2.6.2 and now
It does not work for me.

Oh yes, the kernel-image-2-4-27 can not create the initrd.img. In 
chroot I understand this but if I boot from CD as rescue for hda5 
and try to install the kernel, it give me the same error message. 

amd64 is frustrating...

I use the mirror <>

> Kurt


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, 
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