> On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 04:47:16PM -0500, Eric Sharkey wrote:
> > 
> > apt-get install bumprace.
> apt-cache show bumprace | grep Maintainer

Ah, yes, I see that you're familiar with it...

I *really* didn't notice that at all.

> I think I heard something like this before, not sure which package. But it
> only happened with 2.6 kernels, I think it was reassigned to the kernel, I
> don't see it in the bumprace or sdl-mixer bugreports, maybe you can dig it
> up...

It's not at all bumprace specific.

What I really am trying to do is track down who has this problem and
who doesn't.  I've got it.  Rod Smith of rodsbooks.com has it too,
also on a board with a Via chipset.  Everyone else I've talked to
seems to have no trouble with sound, but I don't know what the pattern
is, and I don't know if half of those people who have "no trouble"
have no trouble because all they tested was "saytime" or something

So, what I would like to know is, does bumprace sound ok on your
ASUS K8N-E Deluxe, or does it sound like crap?


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