Am Sonntag, 14. November 2004 20:17 schrieb Bob Proulx:
> You replied to my last message "Boot from SATA + Network" but have
> stolen the thread for a different topic.  Please don't do that.
> Please start a *new* message when starting a new topic.  See how your
> message is hiding in the other thread?
Yes I will do next time, sorry it was my mistake, I have been lazy :)
> Andree Zeulner wrote:
> > After a reinstall of Debain AMD64 I have a big issue regarding
> > xlibmesa-gl / xlibmesa-glu, because I would like to install the newest
> > nvidia-driver, what
> What exact package are you trying to install and from where did it
> come from?
> > is telling me about a third party opengl-lib is already installed.
> You will have to help us out.  We can't see your screen.
> > But if I try to remove the mentioned packages, it gives me a list of all
> > kde-packages to be remove too, am I missing something?
> Of course removing a base library package that other things depend
> upon will want to remove those packages as well.
> I am guessing that the packages here are really the ones you are
> wanting to install.
> Bob
Thank you for your reply, 20 minutes ago I solved the problem :)

The main problem was between chair and keyboard, I made a install of the 
newest nvidia-driver not with help of the installer, I did it manually.
After I had no success with it, i made the system link /usr/lib32 and tried 
the installer. Here it recognized the allready installed opengl-libs and 
and stoped with the message of third party opengl. Deleting the "old libs" 
solved the problem, after that it was a smooth run.


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