Am Dienstag, 16. November 2004 10:38 schrieb Johan Groth:
> Kurt Roeckx wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 15, 2004 at 08:04:31PM +0100, Jan Houstek wrote:
> >>On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
> >>>We will atleast have a released version of the sarge repository, with
> >>>updates if there are, and security updates.
> >>
> >>That's good news. Any chance this port will become a part of the official
> >>stable in some future release (Sarge 3.1 r1, r2 ...)?
> >
> > I don't think so.
> Then I have a (maybe a stupid) question. What is the point of doing this
> port if it is never going to be part of a stable release?
> /Johan

Er, rough guess: it's being done because many people like you and me need it? 
And I expect it to be in debian 3.2/4.0. Though I'm not part of any plans nor 
have I joined discussion (and only briefly read parts of it). 

What I don't unsderstand though is that many people don't want it in sarge. I 
know it would have delayed it even more. At least after WinXP x64 is released 
and world+dog have an AMD64/clone (;-) on their tables it'll be laughable not 
to have an AMD64 port of debian/stable. And we all know it'll take another 
three years until debian 3.2/4.0.
Plus in many companies, something that's called 'testing' or 'unstable' won't 
be allowed on production systems, even if it's more mature than any SuSE etc. 
ever was. That's a heavy set-back for debian in corporate environment I 
think. I also have some trouble here btw. but I can stand it.


Yikes! you have an ugly sig ;-p
...Plus it doesn't start by '-- \n' so it's not cut automatically...

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