On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 09:46:31 +1000, Peter A. Cole
> Hi all,
> I'll be a new AMD64 user in a week or two when I get my new PC, but before I 
> order it, I wanted to find out if it's supported.
> I'm planning on getting a Gigabyte GA-K8VM800M with an Athlon 64 3000+ and a 
> SATA HDD as these items fit within my budget. The new socket 939 CPU's and 
> boards don't unfortunately.
> I've searched around and found very little information on whether or not this 
> configuration will work successfully with AMD64.

Generally most of the hardware should work. However, the said can't be
said if the onboard SATA RAID is "fakeraid" (ex. Promise) - their RAID
functionality is proprietary fakeraid and you'd be better off using
Linux software RAID

Paolo Alexis Falcone

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