Alright, I am still struggling to get openoffice running inside a
32bit Sarge chroot here, and the latest development is that as a
matter of fact openoffice does NOT hang when you try to start a new
document. It just takes a really really long time to do it.

When I follow how much use it makes of the processor during its
hanglike phase, it starts at about 6% and it slowly goes down to
almost zero, over, I don't know, like 15-20 minutes or something.

Then it wakes back up and starts working smoothly. 

That's pretty strange. Has anybody seen or heard anything like this
before? I could also try to put this up on one of the

Oh, and I should have also added to the previous email that before you
can do anything you need to fix sed. You can't apt-get anything
without fixing sed. You do that by finding a good copy of the file and copying it over the one in

Also, you need to do dpkg --get-selections > selections.txt
edit the file, hold sed and base-config and then do
dpkg --set-selection < selections.txt
before you start apt-getting the main stuff, like X, kde, gnome,
openoffice, mozilla, etc. Those two packages are broken right now, so
you can't upgrade them. Hope they get fixed soon.


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