Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> Lourens Steenkamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I decide (dangerous move ...) that it had something to do with the link
> > mentioned above so I move the /emul/ia32-linux/lib/ld-linux.so.2 link to
> > something else and did the ln -s /var/chroot/sid-ia32/lib/ld-2.3.2.so
> > ld-linux.so.2 thing folowed by a ldconfig - no change in OO.
> > I then deleted the newly created ld-linux.so link and tried to mv the
> > previously moved link back - I found that I could not exec anything in
> > /bin!
> You must have deleted the 64bit ld.

It does look like that.  You can check from knoppix.  If so then
restoring that file should get you running again.  You can extract it
from the deb on another machine.

> > I cannot do a chroot from the Knoppix boot as I get a
> > "/bin/bash: exec error"
> > Should I try to remove the "chroot" and how would I do this?

I would try copying back the ld-linux and libc to your drive as a
recovery method.  You can probably extract that from the deb on
another machine or under knoppix.  If that works I would reinstall
libc6 to get the fixed versions of those packages.


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