Hi folks,

On my amd64 machine, I'm having issues where for certain applications, 
fonts and/or pixmaps will randomly disappear. 

Has anyone heard of this before?

Here is some more info:

 * This is really noticable with firefox. After loading a web page, or 
when the window looses focus, and under other hard-to-describe 
conditions, text will often disappear. Links, which have underlines, 
keep the underlines, but the actual font glyphs disappear. To "fix" 
this, I highlight everything with the mouse, then click somewhere 
benign to deselect and then everything is fine... until the next time 
it happens.

 * Konsole. I've been running using icewm, but I like konsole. 
Everything with konsole will be fine--the menus, window tab-bar, and 
the actual console view itself never has this problem. However, the 
pixmaps that should appear on the status bar (kill this window, make a 
new window, the terminal icons on the tabs) intermitantly disppear. 
Sometimes they'll reappear randomly when I mouse over them, but not 
always--I can't easily make it happen on way or another.

 * Cheesetracker - none of the text ever has any problems, nor any 
pixmaps in the main window. The toolbar pixmaps randomly disappear and 
reappear when you mouse over them.

 * Openoffice (from 32-bit chroot) -- menu text never appears, and I 
can't get it to. Text entered (say in oowriter) appears while typing, 
but then disappears, never to return, if you start highlighting, 
backspacing, or scrolling around. Doesn't seem to have a problem with 
pixmaps, though.

 * All sorts of other programs are better/wrose/different, but it NEVER 
happens with an xterm, it doesn't seem to happen with any of the WM 
widgets themselves in icewm, and there are lots of programs where it 
will just never happen.

I've tried a bunch of different font-relating things (changing what 
fonts are installed, changing some settings in /etc/fonts/local.conf, 

For reference, I'm running pure64 unstable, and using the binary nVidia 
drivers (because I need 3D acceleration).

If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. =)

Wesley J. Landaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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