
is this bug reproducible only if the highly experimental gcc-3.4/gcc-4.0
branch is used, as stated in the quoted mysql-bts bugs, or does this 
happen using a standard debian-pure64 (gcc-3.3 based) installation too?

A quote from mysql bug #3483:
> I've tried 4.0.23, 4.1.9, 4.1.10 on two dual opterons with 8 gig ram
> running Debian 3.1 pure64 gcc3.4. Tried kernels 2.6.11-rc1-mm1 and 
> 2.6.11-rc2.

the gcc-3.4 (now gcc-4.0) branch is based on an unreleased, experimental
compiler version (http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.0/). The code is likely to 
break and _not intended for production_. 

Again: if you want to run a production system with 64bit userland, pick
debian-pure64, and not the experimental gcc-3.4/gcc-4.0 based branch.

Kind regards
Frederik Schueler


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