
The current scedule proposal is to meet on saturday 23rd, what allows us
to find a timeframe fitting everyone's needs.

I think 7:00 UTC is a good idea, alternatively 14:00 UTC. 

On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 02:30:09PM -0700, Alex Perry wrote:
> I suspect another relevant agenda item is: Which combinations of 
> sarge/testing/sid vs GCC versions ... to continue running buildd's for.
> I suggest we segue into an adjacent topic area (once the main topics are 
> dealt with):  Should debian-amd64 actively push multiarch forward (to 
> merge i386 and amd64) ? Should we have packages with matching names that 
> provide amd64 script wrappers for running chrooted i386 binaries ?

I put a document on alioth listing the topics so far and added these 2.


Kind regards
Frederik Schueler


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