Hello list,

This mail might be partly off-topic, since I'm pretty sure it's my hardware
that's at fault and not debian-amd64, but I don't know where else to ask, so I
thought I'd try here, thanks for you patience... :)

So, the situation is, that I upgraded my computer on weekend, with the following

AMD64 3200+ (Winchester core)
Abit AV8 mobo
Seagate 7200.8 250Gb sata harddrive
2x512Mb 64bit DDR memory (M-Tec, Twinmos MT6464400D I quess)

I installed debian-amd64 sid distribution with no problems, so thanks to all the
people who made it happen, it feels really fast when it works...but the problem
is, it doesn't work very well. My system crashes all the time, it's very
repeatable. It crashes everytime I try to compile a kernel, every time I try to
copy my old home directory (~10 Gb) to a partition in the new harddrive, and at
least once when I tried to watch an mpeg file. I've found one oops in my syslog,
but I'm not sure what caused this oops. But I was hoping someone here could
maybe point out the most probable faulty component in the system.

The reason I'm pretty sure that it's a hardware problem is, that I also 
tried a 32bit sid in the computer and that isn't stable either. And I've
upgraded the kernel to the newest on the amd64 version. And the only
parts that aren't new in the computer are power unit and video card and I've
tried two of each just be sure...so I really can't think of anything else than
hardware problems...can you?

Any how, the oops part is attached to this mail, I'd be very grateful if some
kind soul could help me out, I'm very confused...

Thanks in advance, juhis

Attachment: oops-2.6.8.txt.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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