On 5/13/05, Kaare Hviid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wasn't aware that you had done a proper audit of the licenses when
> I embarked on looking at it.  Once finished, I found your mail, and
> rather than throwing away my own list, I replied you, thinking someone
> might want a second opinion.  I have also read each of the dreaded
> debian/copyright files, (which nonfree.alioth.debian.org links to) and
> have tried to find further information when it was lacking.  Our
> findings match up pretty good anyway, with the exception of libforms-doc
> (that I find clearly non-distributable), and moria and trn4 (where I
> didn't find anything compelling hindering distribution).

libforms-doc doesn't seem to be distributable... I better move that to
bad.txt... fast :)

For moria, I found this,
"Moria may be copied and modified freely,  but  may not be sold or
marketed IN ANY FORM"

I don't know what "marketed IN ANY FORM" refers to. To me, any form of
advertising is "marketed". Amd64 "advertised" on Debian mailing lists
and such. I didn't feel comfortable.

Lastly for trn4, no debian/*copyright file(s) I could extract.

But I'm glad our independent findings matched up (on the conservative
side) with the exception of my libforms-doc blunder.

- Adam

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