
a normal system looks like following:

PCI Bus - 33 MHz fixed
AGP - 66MHz fixed
FSB - Front Side Bus - variable, normally (usually) 200MHz on intel and amd

Now, the issue you're talking about:

My Athlon64 3000+ runs at 1800 MHz real. That's 200 FSB * 9.
If I raise FSB to 278, 278 * 9 = 2500 MHz.
PCI and AGP remains fixed at 33MHz.

BUT ! The nVidia SATA controller - which also runs at 33MHz like PCI - gets
it's clock from the FSB. If it raises, it's clock raises too. It's
multiplier is 6, so 33 MHz * 6 = 200 MHz - no overclock.

Now, find out, how much does it get at oc'-ed 278 FSB. 46.33 MHz - that's
far beyond healthy level so don't ask why SATA controllers lock up when
overclocking PC-s.

The other integrated controller - usually silicon image, sis, whatever ...
they're bound to the PCI bus, not to the special nvidia "bus" thing - their
clock is fixed at 33MHz, and it doesn't matter if you raise FSB or not -
your HDD's will work.

That's the whole tale and that's why overclocking has NOTHING to do with
this sata_sil issue - look at Knoppix ;)

Cheers: Eperkutyus


tony, you wrote:
On a tangential note, some of the motherboards have problems when
overclocked with only some of the SATA controllers.  I'm running an Asus
AV8-Deluxe and ran into lockups during bootup using the VIA controller, but
after moving the drive over to the Promise 20378 (non-RAID mode, obviously),
no issues.  It would never have occurred to try this me except for some
comments about this mobo and OCing on one of the OC websites
(, IIRC).

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