Hi Aaron,

El sáb, 09-07-2005 a las 01:07 -0700, Aaron Read escribió:
> I have two partitions on my machine, a amd64 unstable install (
> custom kernel) and an x86 sarge install ( custom kernel).
> When I boot into the amd64 partition, and press M-< or M->
> (beginning-of-buffer and end-of buffer in emacs) I usually just end up
> with just < or > inserted but every once and a while I will get M-< or
> M->, as intended.
> If I hold down shift and meta, if I press > and '>' is printed, then
> as long as I keep shift and meta down, it will continue to do so every
> time i press >. Likewise, If I hold down shift and meta and press >,
> if I get M-> it will give me M-< and M-> for as long as keep shift and
> meta held down.
> When I boot into the x86 partition M-> and M-< always work.  

I've seen the same behavior, I don't recall if it came along with the
switch to 64-bit (but it's possible), or to some particular version of
X. If I'm not wrong, setting the following in the InputDevice section
corresponding to the keyboard in /etc/X11/XF86Config solved the problem
for me:
        Option          "XkbOptions"    "compose:rwin,altwin:super_win"

Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

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