On Sat, 2005-07-16 at 12:28 +0200, Jonas Meurer wrote:
On 16/07/2005 Ed wrote:
> Yes rebooting isn't good! Do the kernel upgrade and you won't have any worries.
> That is if you don't have heaps of myth/dvb patches to apply :)

you have to patch your kernel for mythtv? which patches do you mean? is
it only in connection with dvb? i use ivtv modules to use my winTV PVR-350
and i don't use any kernel patches.


Depends on what card your using. I usually use the Kraxel patches for a Nova-T. Then there are lirc modules that need to be recompiled etc etc. It's not always as simple as apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.x Of course many cards are supported well by the kernel.

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