On Sunday 17 July 2005 13:28, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> Package fetching is done by reprepro and turning it more verbose gives
> some more messages but not a download progress for files.
> The package fetching is also going to be done by a cron job normaly.
> Unless it gets an error it should not say anything (in the finished
> package).  I will think about something for the initial install but my
> current plan is to have it create an empty archive and start the cron
> job once manualy in the background.
> So, having an interactive (i.e. with download progress) update script
> is not a high priority just now. Later, for people that don't want the
> cron job, maybe. But the reprepro maintainer has to provide support
> for that.

How well will this work?  For instance, I do not really want to maintain
a chroot.   The one app I sometimes miss is wine.  Do you think this can
be supported with the new package arch?

Ed Tomlinson

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