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le 26.07.2005 10:02:07, Matthias Wenthe a écrit :
Matthias Wenthe schrieb:

Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) wrote:

[ ... ]

to AUTO, ran my test for about 24 hours now and so far the system runs like a charm without any errors. I would not even go so far as to speculate that the first two memory sets were defect, I think they were just not 100% compatible with my motherboard. Interestingly enough the 64 bit environment seems to be more sensitive to memory timing problems then the 32 bit one.

amd64 is a bit particular in term of memory management as the processor itself

My suggestion for purchasing new hardware can now only be:

If you made the decision for the board goto to the vendor's
homepage, download the manual and look for a memory compatibility list
that has been thoroughly tested by the vendor, e.g. in Asus boards this is called the "qualified vendor list". Then goto your favourite online shop and search for this very type of memory. Do not go for any
module with a similar type code. And do not trust the sales personal's
statements ("It should work"). See in my case, I spent more then two weeks of testing with 3 kinds of memory modules which roughly belonged all to the same standard (DDR 400, PC 3200, CAL3, non ECC).

Whe I bought the memory, I've had a look on the site of the memory manufacturer as well. They done tests also and gives you the best setting for a given memory and a given motherboard. In the cas of this specific Corsair DDR, the CAS is specified at 2.5 or AMD64 and 2 for P4... So there are some specific issues for the Athlon 64.

Thanks again to Jean-Luc for the hint to switch from BIOS setting
"auto overclocking" to manual settings. The "auto overclocking" stopped booting in one out of 10 cases with a message of the kind "auto overclocking failed, press F1 to resume". In a data processing center far away from you where this machine is going to serve as a mail host this can be quite disturbing after a reboot command.

The auto overclocking feature made me crazy. So it s best to share these kind of bad experience ;-) Even if you are an overclocker (what I'm not), it is best to control everything, the automatic overclocking control even the voltage, you can fry your chip this way.

The only thing that seemes a bit sad to me now is that there are still no amd64 security updates available, so I think I have to send away the machine with sarge and amd64-k8 kernel. Seeing the fact, that a well arranged mailserver installation can go for the next two years, it will probably have to be 32bit sarge (the data processing center is 550 km away and once running smoothly I guess I will not switch the OS so soon). But maybe the next server update will be with amd-64 linux.

Who knows what will be the future of these machines in 2 years :)

Thanks to all of you for good advice.
Best regard

Matthias Wenthe
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