Am Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2005 12:26 schrieb Christian Pernegger:
> > Whenenver I try to install openoffice using apt, apt tells me missing
> > dependencies. Always apt wants to install a package named
> >
> As there is no openoffice for amd64 yet, the package that actually
> contains the binaries ( does not exist on amd64.
> The only reason you see openoffice packages at all is that some are
> arch independent.
> > As workaround, I installed the openoffice-packages via download, and then
> > using dpkg --force-install -i<package>. This works for me,
> > but nevertheless will never be updated, as all packages
> > are now on hold, due to the missing dependencies.
> That works? Interesting. I'd always thought oo needed a i386-chroot for
> now.
> C.

Yes, this works. 
How did I do it ? It is a little bit tricky, but look at this link:

Well, I looked at the entry of the sources.list.

From this place I downloaded the entire openoffice-packages and copied them 
manually to /etc/apt/archives.

Then I first installed the most important packages:

dpkg --force-all -i openoffice 

After that I could install the other packages, like truetype-fonts, mimelnk 

Well, I have to admit, that I was playing around a lot until it worked. But 
now openoffice is running.

Good luck ! 

Best regards


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