On 8/31/05, Tim T. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 8/30/05, Michelasso < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 8/30/05, Tim T. < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Following up on my own post:
 I found this: acerhk (http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~tauber/acerhk/) Unfortunately, development has stopped.  I'd be willing to take a shot at it, but there's some assembler in there,
for a 32 bit processor that I'm not familiar with... Anybody here fluent in this ?

Give a look here:

    Thanks to Mark's work the wireless card in my Aspire 5024 is now working.

That's thrown my plans for the day.. I was going to go home early, to buy a new network card.. I guess I just have to try this first  !

  Thanks !


Wonderful ! Full speed internet access, from the back of the garden! I can happily confirm that the
software metioned above works on my Acer Aspire 5024WLMI. Currently using a gcc 3.3 compiled 2.6.12-5 kernel, no patches, ndiswrapper 1.3.rc1 , with the 64 bit (windows) driver from the acer site


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